Using rvest to scrape AP and Coaches polls from Sports Reference

Andrew Weatherman


May 18, 2024


One of the easiest places to scrape current and historical poll data from is Sports Reference.


Sports Reference limits users to 20 requests per minute, so to avoid an HTTP 429 error (“too many requests”), all functions must use a sleep of three or more seconds – Sys.sleep(3).

For this template, you need the following packages.


Sports Reference segments data by season, meaning that you need to loop over a vector of years to grab all data. For Associated Press polls (“AP Poll”), that data is found at the following link: …/{men/women}/{season}-polls.html. For the USA Today Coaches Poll, that is found at: …/{men/women}/{season}-polls-coaches.html. Like all data on Sports Reference, things are displayed using static HTML tables, meaning that rvest can be used.


The functions below are written to pull men’s data. If you want women’s polling data, simply change “men” to “women” in each URL.

AP Poll

get_ap_poll <- function(year) {
  url <- paste0('', year, '-polls.html')
  html <- read_html(url)
  # for current poll // past years will not have a 'current' poll so we need to catch that error
  current_poll <- tryCatch({
    html %>%
      html_nodes("#current-poll") %>%
      html_table() %>% 
      pluck(1) %>% 
      clean_names() %>% 
      mutate(chng = as.numeric(chng),
             year = year)
  }, error = function(e) {NULL})
  # for season-long polls
  all_polls <- html %>%
    html_nodes("#ap-polls") %>%
    html_table() %>% 
    pluck(1) %>% 
    row_to_names(2) %>% 
    clean_names() %>% 
    rename_with(~paste0("week_", seq_along(.)), starts_with("x")) %>% # shift to week_X name format
    mutate(across(-c(school, conf), as.numeric),
           year = year)
  return(list("current" = current_poll, "all" = all_polls))


Coaches Poll

The coded necessary to scrape the Coaches Poll is analogous to that of the AP function but we switch the URL.

get_coaches_poll <- function(year) {
  url <- paste0('', year, '-polls-coaches.html')
  html <- read_html(url)
  # for current poll // past years will not have a 'current' poll so we need to catch that error
  current_poll <- tryCatch({
    html %>%
      html_nodes("#current-poll") %>%
      html_table() %>% 
      pluck(1) %>% 
      clean_names() %>% 
      mutate(chng = as.numeric(chng),
             year = year)
  }, error = function(e) {NULL})
  # for season-long polls
  all_polls <- html %>%
    html_nodes("#coaches-polls") %>%
    html_table() %>% 
    pluck(1) %>% 
    row_to_names(2) %>% 
    clean_names() %>% 
    rename_with(~paste0("week_", seq_along(.)), starts_with("x")) %>% # shift to week_X name format
    mutate(across(-c(school, conf), as.numeric),
           year = year)
  return(list("current" = current_poll, "all" = all_polls))



To grab data over multiple seasons, we will utilize the purrr package to “map” a vector of seasons to our function. As an example, we will grab all polling data from 2010-2024.

Since our functions return nested lists, and not a single data frame, we will use purrr::map and then combine the rows of just elements named “all” using lapply. In practice, it might be easier to alter the scraping functions to only return a single data frame (the “all” frame) and use purrr::map_dfr.

AP Poll

ap_polling_data <- map(2010:2024, \(year) get_ap_poll(year), .progress = 'Scraping')

ap_polling_data <- bind_rows(lapply(ap_polling_data, `[[`, "all"))

For plotting purposes, it might be preferred to pivot your data to a “long” format, and we can do that using tidyr::pivot_longer.

ap_pivot <- ap_polling_data %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c(school, conf, year), names_to = "week", values_to = "rank")

Coaches Poll

The process is the same as above, just switch to using the get_coaches_poll function.


There is not much cleaning to do with this data. I do want to highlight the cbbdata::cbd_match_teams function, which will convert all team names to conventions found in cbbdata. The cbbplotR package, however, does not require this, and unless you are combining your polling data with cbbdata functions, there is no clear reason to convert the names. But if you wish to do so:

matches <- cbbdata::cbd_match_teams()

ap_pivot %>% 
  mutate(school = matches[school])

Data Glimpse

school conf year week rank
Duke ACC 2010 pre 9
Duke ACC 2010 week_1 9
Duke ACC 2010 week_2 7
Duke ACC 2010 week_3 6
Duke ACC 2010 week_4 8
Duke ACC 2010 week_5 7