Best Road Performance

college basketball
Adjusted road performances in college basketball

Andrew Weatherman


May 19, 2024

The What

A gt table that calculates the 10 best T-Rank efficiency ratings in true D-1 vs. D-1 road performances – also includes a composite season-long predictive average across all games and quadrant records in true road games.

Final Table

The How

For this visualization, you will need the following packages:


This visualization is not yet accompanied by a tutorial.

The Data

## grab ratings in away games vs. top 150
away_ratings <- cbd_torvik_team_factors(year = 2024, venue = 'away')

## get best away win by highest T-Rank
best_win <- cbd_torvik_game_factors(year = 2024, location = 'A') %>%
  filter(result == 'W') %>% 
  left_join(cbd_torvik_ratings(year=2024) %>% select(team, barthag), join_by('opp' == 'team')) %>% 
  left_join(cbd_teams() %>% select(opp = common_team, opp_logo = logo)) %>% 
  slice_max(barthag, n = 1, by = team) %>% 
  select(team, opp_logo)

## get quad records in away games
quad_records <- cbd_torvik_team_schedule(year = 2024, location = 'A') %>% 
  filter(date < Sys.Date()) %>% 
  cbd_add_net_quad() %>% 
  # join on results
  left_join(cbd_torvik_game_box(year = 2024) %>% select(date, team, opp, result),
            by = c('date', 'team', 'opp')) %>% 
    record = paste0(sum(result == 'W'), '-', sum(result == 'L')),
    .by = c(team, quad)
  ) %>% 
  # pivot wider so we get proper joining + plotting format
  pivot_wider(names_from = quad, values_from = record) %>% 
  # replace NAs (quads with no games) as 0-0
  mutate(across(-team, ~ifelse(.x == 'NA-NA' |, '0-0', .x))) %>% 
  # rename // could do this later in gt
  select(team, q1 = `Quadrant 1`, q2 = `Quadrant 2`, q3 = `Quadrant 3`, q4 = `Quadrant 4`)

# get predictive metric average
pred_avg <- cbd_all_metrics() %>% 
    avg = (trank_rank + kp_rank + bpi_rank + net_rank) / 4,
    .by = team

## join together
data <- list(away_ratings, quad_records, best_win, pred_avg) %>% 
  # use reduce to quickly join multiple DFs (passed as list) w/ a common key (team)
  reduce(left_join, by = 'team') %>% 
  # take highest barthags
  slice_max(barthag, n = 10) %>%
  # add logos
  left_join(cbd_teams() %>% select(team = common_team, logo = logo)) %>% 
  mutate(team = glue("<img src='{logo}' style='height: 20px; width: auto; vertical-align: -25%;'>&nbsp; {team}")) %>% 
  # add record column // add record to logo col.
  mutate(record = paste0(wins, '-', losses),
         team = paste0(team, ' (', record, ')'),
         avg = paste0('#', round(avg, 0))) %>% 
  # select columns to plot
  select(avg, team, adj_o, adj_d, barthag, starts_with('q'), best = opp_logo)

The Table

# make table
data %>% 
  # set table id so we can use css later
  gt(id = 'table') %>% 
  # add theme as a base
  gt_theme_nytimes() %>% 
  # render logos
  fmt_markdown(team) %>% 
  # render best win logo
  fmt_image(best, width = 20, height = 20) %>% 
  # round numbers
  fmt_number(columns = adj_o:adj_d, decimals = 1) %>% 
  fmt_percent(columns = barthag, decimals = 1) %>% 
  # align cols
  cols_align(columns = avg, 'right') %>% 
  cols_align(columns = -c(team, avg), 'center') %>% 
  # bold barthag
  tab_style(locations = cells_body(columns = barthag), style = cell_text(weight = 'bold')) %>% 
  # add spanner for quad
  tab_spanner(columns = q1:q4, label = 'Quadrant Records') %>% 
  # add spanner for t-rank
  tab_spanner(columns = adj_o:barthag, label = 'Road Efficiency') %>% 
  # add dividers
  gt_add_divider(team, include_labels = FALSE, color = 'black', weight = px(1.5)) %>% 
  gt_add_divider(barthag, include_labels = FALSE, color = 'black', weight = px(1.5)) %>% 
  gt_add_divider(q4, include_labels = FALSE, color = 'black', weight = px(1.5)) %>% 
  # add footnote for best win
  tab_footnote(locations = cells_column_labels(columns = best),
               footnote = 'Highest current opponent T-Rank in a road win') %>% 
  # add footnote for T-Rank
  tab_footnote(locations = cells_column_labels(columns = barthag),
               footnote = 'T-Rank Rating: WP% vs. average team on neutral floor based on road performance') %>%
  # add footnote for pred average
  tab_footnote(locations = cells_column_labels(columns = avg),
               footnote = 'Predictive Average: KenPom, T-Rank, BPI, and NET (rounded to nearest integer)') %>% 
  # rename cols.
    team = 'Team (record)',
    adj_o = 'Adj. O',
    adj_d = 'Adj. D',
    barthag = 'T-Rank',
    best = 'Best'
  ) %>% 
  # add stripping b/c why not and it looks good
  opt_row_striping() %>% 
  tab_options(data_row.padding = 4,
              footnotes.font.size = 11,
              # do this so we have the light lines below column spanners!
     = "solid",
              column_labels.border.bottom.width = px(1), 
              column_labels.border.bottom.color = "black",
     = 'none',
              source_notes.font.size = 10,
     = "none") %>% 
  # add headers // labs
    title = 'Who are the best road teams in college basketball?',
    subtitle = "10 highest T-Rank ratings in true road performances (D-1 vs. D-1)"
  ) %>% 
    md("Data by cbbdata + cbbplotR through 2023-24<br>Table + Analysis by @andreweatherman")
  ) %>% 
  # css // this does some light other formatting and styling
    '#table .gt_footnote {
        padding-top: 2px !important;
        padding-bottom: 2px !important;
        line-height: 1;
    #table .gt_heading {
         padding-bottom: 0px;
         padding-top: 6px
      #table .gt_subtitle {
         padding-top: 2px;
         padding-bottom: 6px;
      #table .gt_sourcenote {
         text-align: right
  ) %>% 
  # save it!
  gtsave_extra('best_road_teams.png', zoom = 3)

Complete Script


away_ratings <- cbd_torvik_team_factors(year = 2024, venue = 'away')

best_win <- cbd_torvik_game_factors(year = 2024, location = 'A') %>%
  filter(result == 'W') %>% 
  left_join(cbd_torvik_ratings(year=2024) %>% select(team, barthag), join_by('opp' == 'team')) %>% 
  left_join(cbd_teams() %>% select(opp = common_team, opp_logo = logo)) %>% 
  slice_max(barthag, n = 1, by = team) %>% 
  select(team, opp_logo)

quad_records <- cbd_torvik_team_schedule(year = 2024, location = 'A') %>% 
  filter(date < Sys.Date()) %>% 
  cbd_add_net_quad() %>% 
  left_join(cbd_torvik_game_box(year = 2024) %>% select(date, team, opp, result),
            by = c('date', 'team', 'opp')) %>% 
    record = paste0(sum(result == 'W'), '-', sum(result == 'L')),
    .by = c(team, quad)
  ) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = quad, values_from = record) %>% 
  mutate(across(-team, ~ifelse(.x == 'NA-NA' |, '0-0', .x))) %>% 
  select(team, q1 = `Quadrant 1`, q2 = `Quadrant 2`, q3 = `Quadrant 3`, q4 = `Quadrant 4`)

pred_avg <- cbd_all_metrics() %>% 
    avg = (trank_rank + kp_rank + bpi_rank + net_rank) / 4,
    .by = team

data <- list(away_ratings, quad_records, best_win, pred_avg) %>% 
  reduce(left_join, by = 'team') %>% 
  slice_max(barthag, n = 10) %>%
  left_join(cbd_teams() %>% select(team = common_team, logo = logo)) %>% 
  mutate(team = glue("<img src='{logo}' style='height: 20px; width: auto; vertical-align: -25%;'>&nbsp; {team}")) %>% 
  mutate(record = paste0(wins, '-', losses),
         team = paste0(team, ' (', record, ')'),
         avg = paste0('#', round(avg, 0))) %>% 
  select(avg, team, adj_o, adj_d, barthag, starts_with('q'), best = opp_logo)

data %>% 
  gt(id = 'table') %>% 
  gt_theme_nytimes() %>% 
  fmt_markdown(team) %>% 
  fmt_image(best, width = 20, height = 20) %>% 
  fmt_number(columns = adj_o:adj_d, decimals = 1) %>% 
  fmt_percent(columns = barthag, decimals = 1) %>% 
  cols_align(columns = avg, 'right') %>% 
  cols_align(columns = -c(team, avg), 'center') %>% 
  tab_style(locations = cells_body(columns = barthag), style = cell_text(weight = 'bold')) %>% 
  tab_spanner(columns = q1:q4, label = 'Quadrant Records') %>% 
  tab_spanner(columns = adj_o:barthag, label = 'Road Efficiency') %>% 
  gt_add_divider(team, include_labels = FALSE, color = 'black', weight = px(1.5)) %>% 
  gt_add_divider(barthag, include_labels = FALSE, color = 'black', weight = px(1.5)) %>% 
  gt_add_divider(q4, include_labels = FALSE, color = 'black', weight = px(1.5)) %>%
  tab_footnote(locations = cells_column_labels(columns = best),
               footnote = 'Highest current opponent T-Rank in a road win') %>% 
  tab_footnote(locations = cells_column_labels(columns = barthag),
               footnote = 'T-Rank Rating: WP% vs. average team on neutral floor based on road performance') %>%
  tab_footnote(locations = cells_column_labels(columns = avg),
               footnote = 'Predictive Average: KenPom, T-Rank, BPI, and NET (rounded to nearest integer)') %>% 
    team = 'Team (record)',
    adj_o = 'Adj. O',
    adj_d = 'Adj. D',
    barthag = 'T-Rank',
    best = 'Best'
  ) %>% 
  opt_row_striping() %>% 
  tab_options(data_row.padding = 4,
              footnotes.font.size = 11,
     = "solid",
              column_labels.border.bottom.width = px(1), 
              column_labels.border.bottom.color = "black",
     = 'none',
              source_notes.font.size = 10,
     = "none") %>% 
    title = 'Who are the best road teams in college basketball?',
    subtitle = "10 highest T-Rank ratings in true road performances (D-1 vs. D-1)"
  ) %>% 
    md("Data by cbbdata + cbbplotR through 2023-24<br>Table + Analysis by @andreweatherman")
  ) %>% 
    '#table .gt_footnote {
        padding-top: 2px !important;
        padding-bottom: 2px !important;
        line-height: 1;
    #table .gt_heading {
         padding-bottom: 0px;
         padding-top: 6px
      #table .gt_subtitle {
         padding-top: 2px;
         padding-bottom: 6px;
      #table .gt_sourcenote {
         text-align: right
  ) %>% 
  gtsave_extra('best_road_teams.png', zoom = 5)